River Valley School District - January 2, 2023, Policy Meeting Packet https://www.cms4schools.com/news_rss.cfm?detailid=862995&memberid=1094 River Valley School District - January 2, 2023, Policy Meeting Packet en-us January 2, 2023, Policy Meeting Agenda //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/1-2-23 agenda.pdf January 2, 2023, Policy Meeting Memo //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/1-2-23 memo.pdf December 5, 2022, Policy Meeting Minutes //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/12-5-22 minutes1.pdf 831 Public Conduct on School Property //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/8313.pdf 852 Distribution of Electronic and Printed Material //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/8527.pdf 423 Public School Open Enrollment //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/423policy3.pdf 423 Rule Public School Open Enrollment //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/423 rule7.pdf 347 Exhibit 2 Request for Non-Disclosure of Student Directory Data //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/347 exh 2.pdf 452.4 Rule 1 Administering Medication Procedure //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/452 4 Rule 12.pdf 822 Rule Procedures for Access to Public Records //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/822 Rule2.pdf 443.5 (NEW) Student Distribution of Literature and Student Self Expression //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/443 51.pdf 861 School Volunteers //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/8612.pdf 861 Exhibit 1 Confidentiality Agreement/Disclosure Statement //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/861 exhibit.pdf 347 Exhibit 1 Release Form for Student Records Not Considered to be "Student Directory Data" //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/347 exhibit 12.pdf 744 Exhibit Consent Form - Web/RVTV Permission to Display Classroom/Academic Activities //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/744 exhibit2.pdf 533 Exhibit Disclosure Statement - Employee //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/533 Exhibit policy1.pdf 861 Exhibit 2 Disclosure Statement - Volunteer //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/861 exhibit 2 policy1.pdf WASB Policy Manual Quick Check April 2021 //www.rvschools.org/cms_files/resources/WASB Policy Manual Quick Check Report April 202113.pdf